Pensee Morale 8







      If you need to change a whole community, you only have to think about a percentage.

For example, ask yourself how can you work with a population of 12 to14 millions of people?

The best way to accomplish this goal is to first categorize the population, then to pick up a

category to assign your work with. This graph is to help you  control of your spending.

Estimated graph in millions

  -             1 an               0.6 milions           KIDS CARE

                              1an-5ans          2.4 mil                 Health/FOOD STAMP

                  5 ans-18 ans    3.5 mil                EDUCATION

   18ans-35 ans   4.5 MIL            JOB

                           35ans-65 ans   2 MIL                ASSURANCE/JOB

                                                           65ans and UP    1.7                      ASSISTANCE SOCIALE/RETIREMENT

If you focus your vision to a specific category of people in the chart, I strongly

believe as an organization, community leader or government you will better succeed.

Francois Joachim (Dessalines)

C.EO of  S.H.A.R.E ( Societe Haitienne Artistique pour la Rehabilitation des Enfants)

Community Leader









La lesson du jour est basée   sur la TOLERANCE : Elle consiste á supporter que les autres pensent ,parlent, agissent autrement qu’eux. Il ne faut pas confondre la Tolérance avec l’INDIFERENCE : nous dit l’instruction civique. C’est un devoir sacré de combattre le mal partout ou il est défendu.