pensee 12








I  have asked President OBAMA, while

I was dreaming,

what was your biggest problem

, while preparing your inauguration’s first speech?

 He said, If you were awaken, I would have tell you that :

: “ The Haitians did not give me any chance

to say anything about Haiti

,as the first black and independent

country in the world.”

They have messed up the American History:

just how they did Haiti for too long .

And This was my biggest concern , as a first

black president of the United States.

And he pleased me not to forget the DREAM,

so in reality I could tell all Haitian about it,

in order for each one of them to have his own dream..

Then I woke up….


La lesson du jour est basée   sur la TOLERANCE : Elle consiste á supporter que les autres pensent ,parlent, agissent autrement qu’eux. Il ne faut pas confondre la Tolérance avec l’INDIFERENCE : nous dit l’instruction civique. C’est un devoir sacré de combattre le mal partout ou il est défendu.