From the last fifty years, I have been waiting on Haiti’s governments to support me, in the end, I see myself giving 30 years of my life to a country that I wasn’t even born to be part of.For that I lost my identity, the essence or the meaning of my life. I always believed that if God wanted me to be an American, I would have born in America; but since I was born in Haiti,
I’m dying as a Haitian, and this is who I am, who I’m meant to be. Whether you call me, Haitian-American, Canadian or French, Haiti is always part of me, my native country, the purpose of my life. Now, If I have learned a few goods things while being here in America, I would mention:
1. Is how to be Independent
2. I became a fighter
3. I am a believer.
And I don’t have that mentality to wait on others to support me on accomplishing good things, or something I believe in. This is why I took my responsibility, with all those who believe in me,to SHARE my life to the country I love the most (HAITI)
IF you see, or realize that my actions are a little bit positive and productive enough, you are free as Haitians, as a brother, or as a friend to get on board; but not with the tendency of helping me
, because whatever I do in Gonaives, is not about me and it will never be about me.
It is about Gonaives or Haiti (Our common ground) it is about its people and society, it is also more about you, and it’s about your thoughts, your ideas, your feelings and your Ideology that might have
been different than mines. All these could also have been the reasons why Gonaives became the most difficult place on earth, for someone like me, or yourself to accomplish one little good thing .
These different thoughts and feelings set us all apart but, my actions ,my determination and leadership will bring us all together to create The perfect team (Société Haitienne Artistique pour la Réhabilitation des Enfants ) A national Foundation based in Gonaives, with the main Goal of Investing in Civic Education and Investing in our talented kids.
Great ideology sometimes came from those you might consider to be poor, low, damn or not intelligent enough; you name it or whatever you want to call them, but there is one thing that we all need to know,
“If all these people we categorized as poor ,low, black, white, damn ect.. are chosen to be the ONES, there is nothing we can do about it, because God always choose them for a reason that we don’t even Know.”
As a positive member of your society, you need to recognize them for the good things they are doing, not for who they are. In today’s society, you should consider yourself lucky enough to have a friend, a person you know,
with a positive character. We all should learn how to cherish that and also take advantage of it because the more positive persons you know, the more positive you become yourself.
And there are so many great people around the world that have done great things. At the beginning, we did not even know them , we did not hear anything about them and we finish by recognizing them
through what they have done; things that have impacted our society, ourselves and our country, but not by whom they were ,where they came from, or their family’s name.
Today we developed so much negativity in ourselves, which drove me sometimes to take deep level of reflection where I forced to ask myself these followings question?
Do you think if Nelson Mandela was born Haitian, he could have been the type of person he is?
If Jean Jacques Dessalines was today alive, how would you treat him?
Did you ever ask yourself, what is the best you could do to be part of something that others will judge necessarily great?
While you are waiting to take yourself to the higher level of reflection, I‘d like to leave you with a few quotations.
“There are so many things that we can do, if we really don’t care who gets the credits.”
America’s President Franklin D .Roosevelt.
“ Great people talk about ideas
Average people talk about thing
Small people talk about other people “
Can you categorize yourself?
Thank You
Francois Joachim ( Dessalines)
Directeur of ( WWW.GONAYV.COM)
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